World Cup Ruleset Day #3 will be used.
It will be a singles tournament (not team)
Tiebreakers and scoring will be as per Coach Rules
For squad ranking the following point system will be used:
Each squad gains “Coach Points” each round
Win: 5 Points
Tie: 2 Points
Loss:0 Points
For determining the final standing and crowning the Champion the following order will be applied:
Opponent score
Head-to-head performance to determine the Champion
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Public coin toss to determine the Champion (for ranking: electronic coin toss)
Ranking will count towards Maltese Road to Dornbirn series.
Full Rules

World Cup Ruleset Day #2 will be used.
It will be a singles tournament (not team)
The below link then home -> rules.
Tiebreakers and scoring will be as per Squad Rules
For squad ranking the following point system will be used:
Each squad gains “Squad Points” (SP) each round
Win: 5 Points
Tie: 2 Points
Loss: 0 Points
For determining the final standing and crowning the Champion the following order will be applied:
Opponent score
Head-to-head performance to determine the Champion
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Public coin toss to determine the Champion (for ranking: electronic coin toss)
0900 – Registration
0930 – First Match
1200 – Lunch
1230 – Second Match
1515 – Third Match
1745 – Wrap up and go home

World Cup Ruleset will be used.
It will be a team tournament made up of 3 players each team.
Signup will be on a first-come first-served basis – signups accurate on the FACEBOOK event.
The below link then home -> rules.
For better differentiation of the term “team”, the word “team” only refers to the miniature team of each coach. The group of coaches who compete as a unit in the World Cup are referred to with the word “squad”.
Each squad consists of 3 coaches.
Any drop-outs and their consequences during the tournament will be decided by the referees and/or the organizers on a case-by-case basis. The ruling will be final without a chance of appeal.
The first matchups will be drawn randomly before the tournament. Each squad can decide on the order of their coaches for the first game. The squad captain has to submit the line-up latest on September 14, 2019. If no line-up is submitted it will be random.
Each squad will be paired with another squad based on the overall ranking according to the Swiss ladder system for games 2-4.
The ranking within a squad will be determined by their individual performance during the tournament.
The ranking of squads or coaches within a squad for the next round will be determined in the following order:
Squad Points
Coach Points
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Electronic coin toss (aka random)
6 How to win the Tournament (Scoring & Tiebreaker)
For squad ranking the following point system will be used:
Each squad gains “Squad Points” (SP) each round
Win: 2 Points
Tie: 1 Points
Loss: 0 Points
A squad wins a match if the sum of Coach Points (CP) is greater than the opponent. The Coach Points are not included in the Squad Points.
For determining the final standing and crowning the World Champion Squad the following order will be applied:
Squad Points
Opponent score
Head-to-head performance to determine the World Champion
Coach Points of the entire squad
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Public coin toss to determine the World Champion (for ranking: electronic coin toss)
Single Player
For the individual ranking the following system will be used:
Each coach will get “Coach Points” (CP) each round
Win: 5 Points
Tie: 2 Points
Loss: 0 Points
Concession: -5 Points **)
**) A concession will be counted for touchdowns and casualties as 2:0 each for the opponent.
For determining the final standing and crowning the World Champion Coach the following order will be applied:
Coach Points
Opponent score
Head-to-head performance to determine the World Champion
Net touchdowns
Net casualties
Public coin toss to determine the World Champion (for ranking: electronic coin toss)
0830 – Registration
0900 – First Match
1130 – Lunch
1200 – Second Match
1430 – Third Match
1715 – Fourth Match
1945 – Wrap up and go Home

“Ah captain! You seek new pastures on which to unleash your team you say? Well I’m not sure I know of… ah thank you, most kind. Yes, yes, hmmm. Why don’t you try The Maelstrom Cup? It is the ultimate Blood Bowl challenge, said to be the playing ground of the Chaos Gods themselves. They say Papa Nurgle blesses and curses with fearsome mutations, Lord Tzeentch sends ice and oppressive heat to drive players to desperation, Slaanesh spreads even more corruption and Khorne drives his minions to surround the pitch, stamping and eagerly awaiting the first slip. But the rewards are great, and I can get you there. For a small fee of course. Well, I say small…”
Wee Mad Drongo the Halfling – Last known conversation
The tournament follows the NAF Championship Rules 2019 with the following amendments.
Nurgle’s Nudge
Papa Nurgle is busy at work among the fresh crops. Mutations spread throughout the gathering teams. A lone Witch Hunter mutters of a pattern.
In addition to the extra skills obtainable under the NAF 2019 rules, each team may assign a number of mutations depending on its tier level. These are Assigned on Day 1 before Game 1 and retained throughout the tournament. These mutations cannot be stacked with other additional skills/mutations.
1 tier – 1 mutation
2 tier – 2 mutations
3 tier – 3 mutations
Tzeentch’s Touch
The best explanations for the fickler weather are all whispered ones, and all mention the dread Tzeentch.
This is the Weather Table used in the tournament.
2 Sweltering Heat
3-4 Very Sunny
5-9 Nice: Perfect Blood Bowl weather.
10-11 Pouring Rain
12 Blizzard
Slaanesh’s Slip
Slaanesh wouldn’t miss this opportunity to subtly edge the players to greater violence. Referees find themselves distracted by fleeting shadows, or their eyes drooping with an inexplicable fatigue.
When a foul is spotted by a referee, the fouling player rolls a D6. On a 5+ the foul is ignored. The player can still use a bribe in the normal manner if the bribe does not succeed.
Khorne’s Killers
Followers of Khorne swamp to these events. They eagerly await some luckless player falling into their hands, and few of those hands are unarmed.
A+1 modifier is added to injury rolls on crowd pushes.
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 11:15 Round One
11:30 – 13:45 Round Two
13:45 – 14:45 Lunch
14:45 – 17:00 Round Three
17:15 Awards
Trophies for
Best Painted
Stunty Cup
Most Casualties
Most Touchdowns
Runner up
Please note that if anymore wins Winner or Runner up and another award the latter award will be given to the next best placed player.

Despite the several successes of many a Skaven team, many Grey Seers have grown more and more paranoid about their lack of control over many a Blood Bowl Tournament. Grey Seer Stabnsteal has commented that this is a situation that must be remedied “now now quick-fast”. After several debates and a few assassinations 13 Grey Seers agreed to convene their own tournament. Unfortunately for them they have attracted the attention of a Vermin Lord which has also added its own unique twists.
The tournament follows the NAF Championship Rules 2019 with the following amendments.
In addition to the extra skills obtainable under the NAF 2019 rules, each team may assign a number of Favours of the Rat depending on its tier level. ONLY ONE TYPE OF THE SAME FAVOUR MAY BE ASSIGNED TO EACH TEAM (no duplicates). These are assigned before Game 1 and retained throughout the tournament. These Favours cannot be stacked with other additional skills/favours.
1st tier – 1 Favour
2nd tier – 2 Favours
3rd tier – 3 Favours
Gaze of the Rat: The player gains the Hypnotic Gaze Skill. The player ALSO gains the Blood Lust skill.
Stealth of the Rat: The player gains the Stab Skill.
Endurance of the Rat: The player gains the Regeneration Skill.
Any team which has exactly 13 players on its roster gains the Ianic Dagger skill, which is assigned to any player but cannot be stacked with other skills/favours. ONCE PER GAME if this player inflicts a casualty during a block and the result of the casualty is 11-38 after any rerolls, roll a D6. On a result of 4 or more the opposing player must miss the rest of the game.
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 11:15 Round One
11:30 – 13:45 Round Two
13:45 – 14:45 Lunch
14:45 – 17:00 Round Three
17:15 Awards
Best Painted
Stunty Cup
Most Casualties
Most Touchdowns
Runner up

Team Creation:
Danish ATV rules will be used.
A modified kick-off table for Carnage Bowl will be used.
2: Where’s the Ref?: The ref is no where to be seen! Probably too scared to go into the pitch! For the rest of the drive, gain a bribe which works automatically.
3: Coach brawl: The trash talking of both coaches got nasty and resulted into a bloody Coach on Coach fist fight! Each coach roll a
d6+FAME(To see if any fans help!). The losing coach leaves the pitch this drive,being unable to argue the call, and loses a team re-roll. If the fight’s a tie, both coaches waste the rest
of the drive arguing with each other. Apply the same effect above to both coaches.
4: Strength of a Troll
The kicking team has just kicked off and looks at one of their players.. they have sneaked in a troll’s blood potion. A random player from the kicking’s team gets Strength 5 and Really Stupid for d3 + fame turns. If player is already strength 5 then roll for random player again.
5: Popped ball: BOOM!..What was that?…the ball just popped in mid air! The receiving team starts their first turn with no ball on the pitch! The ref throws in a ball at the receiving team at start
of the kicking team’s turn!(Scatter from center)
6: Cheering Fans – Unchanged
7: Changing Weather – Unchanged
8: Brilliant Coaching – Unchanged
9:Flying Chainsaw! : Some loony fan throws a chainsaw into the reviving team’s side of the pitch! Roll 1d6 and 1d8 from the center of the
pitch to see where the chainsaw lands. Do not scatter the chainsaw(Chainsaws don’t bounce). Place a token to mark where the chainsaw landed. If the chainsaw lands on a
player roll an armor roll +3 for that player.
10: Blood lust: One player from the receiving team is a little bit too bloodthirsty then the rest of his time! The receiving team’s coach picks any player, that player gets a free activation
before the ball hits the ground! During the activation, that player gains horns, claw and might blow!
11 Bombs Away!: An enraged fan hurls a large bomb at one of the players on the opposing team. Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their
FAME (see page 18) to the roll. The fans of the team that rolls higher are the ones that threw the bomb. In the case of a tie a bomb is thrown at each team! Decide randomly which player in the other team this was targeted at (only players on the pitch are eligible) and roll for that player and any players around him. On a 4+ roll an injury roll.
The fans are growing tired of this fancy pansy game, and want to see blood! The fans start throwing all sorts of weaponry into the pitch, from spikes, to baseball bats! To represent this, all players for the rest of the game have -1 AV value. (Yes, this effect stacks every-time it triggers!)
Games – 3 matches
09:00 – 09:30 Registration
09:30 – 12:00 Round 1
12:00 – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 15:00 Round 2
15:00 – 17:30 Round 3
17:30 – 18:00 Standings announcements
Food in form of Pasta Buffet and free drink will be provided included with registration cost. For more information regarding the tabletop gaming con from Gold on Dice visit their facebook page.